newest to oldest, from my spacehey blog

9.7.24 (Published 9.12.24) WEEZER! Making this post a few days after cause I forgot. My friend and I got to see Weezer (along with Dinosaur Jr and the Flaming Lips) at Nationwide Arena in Columbus! It’s awesome, aside from some view obstructions, but than can be expected. I didn’t get many pictures, so I have videos instead. I tried to film as much as I could, but I wanted to enjoy the show as well—plus my hands were hurting, and so were my legs. For my first actual concert, it was amazing, especially the lights during Flaming Lips’ set. I also forgot to record during Dinosaur Jr’s set but I loved them too. I’m still tired what the flip 💔

7.1.24 Today was interesting to say the least. We drove out to Wilson Nurseries and I got some wonderful pictures of the plants and other things I found another the building. It was almost serene in there, it was peaceful, there wasn’t a lot of people, and it was just very nice to be! It reminded me of being at the aquarium in a way. It was awfully expensive, so I sadly didn’t get anything, even though I was eyeing these pressed flowers among a few other items. We also drove up to the capital building in Frankfort, Kentucky! It was alright, quiet, but they had a little display that did pique my interest! Not to mention, the architecture and some of the paintings were pretty neat, especially these little images made to represent the counties. ..And then we went to Costco and things kinda went to shit, but, today was good nonetheless. If you want pictures, check out the photos tab of this site!

6.22.24 My boyfriend and I went and saw Rite Here Rite Now last night, and it was very enjoyable. I had been looking forward to watching it for a while now, and I’m glad I was able to go see it with him. I’m glad that we could hear the Ghoulettes singing a lot better. It was just very fun overall, and I’m happy I got to hear them play Mummy Dust, my boyfriend was more excited to hear Watching in the Sky, though, but I get it. I can’t wait for it to come to dvd and/or streaming platforms, I really do want to see it again sometime soon.

5.18.24 I recently went out to Goodwill and some local yard sales, and I was not disappointed. I got a CD for this band called Peacock Planet, which has some good music. I also found old Beanie Babies from the early to late 90s. Example, the Ronald McDonald House Charity Beanie Babies from 1997–all four—Beargundy from the Attic Treasures collection in 1993, and Curly from 1996. I also got some magnets and a little resin daisy necklace. I love finding things like this.

4.26.24 i’m clawing at the walls an tearing up the wooden paneling, howling and running around. but whateverrrrr…… siiigghhhssss i loooooovvveeee talking to my man (not dating, totally) i love him so much and we’re probs gonna hang out sooon. dude!!!! i love eating this one specific kind of banana bread from this gas station, it reminds me of him cause we bought it and some other snacks on our first date omg i love him so much you guys WE ARE LITTERRALLLYYYY A CAT AND A DOG FR!!!! (german shepherd and calico, IM THE GERMAN SHEPHERD)🤫🧏‍♂ Also guys you should read Radio Apocalypse by Kayleigh Gallagher, it’s SO GOOODDDD. Queer romance and the apocalypse? Love it.️

10.14.23 Gonna try to add some more graphics, likes pins and stickers and gifs, but I'm gonna try to put them somewhere else OTHER THAN another scroll bar like my quiz results one. Might try and figure out how to make a pop-up and put them into scroll boxes there.... Idk, I'll figure it out, though!

Watched Anastasia for the first time last night, and it was quite good! Planning on watching a lot more shows and movies soon... stay tuned....

10.6.23 Feeling INCREDIBLY SICK HOLY COOWWWW!!!! New updates coming soon...

10.5.23 BRO PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE ELLIOT KNIGHT IS SO PRETTY IM BAWLING. i love almost all of the cod actors they're amazing holy balls. I've been watching a lot of Sad Boyz recently, I love how Jarvis and Jordan's humour combines, especially whenever they have other people on the show, it's absolutely stellar. DUDE THERE ARE SO MANY CONTENT CREATORS I LOVE THAT FOCUS MOSTLY ON HISTORY AND SEWING!!!!! Kaz Rowe, Rachel Maksy, Bernadette Banner, and Morgan Donner!!! Please watch their content it's so cool.

10.4.23 bleggghhh HI HI HI!!!! We have just a few weeks till Halloween, and I can't wait! I hope everyone has a good day, I'll be updating the site quite a bit since I'm messing around wih all of the graphics.



newest to oldest

10.12.24 I apologize for lack of updates, however the backlight to my computer has gone out on me, meaning I have been unable to properly edit and run my Neocities. I am now on a family member's computer possibly until after Christmas. I'm working on trying to get my computer fixed as soon as possible. While making some small changes here and there to do some maintinence on the site, I will also be adding more to the collections page, including the rest of my CDs!

7.7.24 adding more to the collections page! trying to get pictures of all of my cds cause most of them are plastic and the photos recently came out really bad.

7.5.24 currently updating the info page!! i wanted to make it look better and add some better info to it, besides, i need to update some of my interests and stuff. might add new stamps and blinkies to the huge walls on the bookshelf page (and now info, but might cut them down to specific ones) adding links to the info page soon!

7.4.24 joined a handful of new cliques (still waiting on some), made a page specifically for updates, added a "What Is?" section to the homepage, also added new pictures onto the photos page and posted a few blog updates i had missed. i'm still trying to work on backgrounds and color schemes for specific pages, but i'm making progress. added games to the bookshelf ... might adds dvds and cds... but, i might just make a new section dedicated to them in the collections page (now that i think about it, they'll probably go onto the bookshelf it'll just make the scroll box veeerrryyyy long.) planning on uploading pictures of dolls to the collections page, as well as some new stickers i got. i need to add more blinkies and stamps... oh dear. added more pixels to the pixel page! this website is really coming together, even after working on it for almost three or four years. thank you for those who followed me!

4.4.24 fixing up some graphics in the pages, added a specific section for cliques and webrings on the landing page too. gonna try to work on finding a new main background, and fix up a specific area for blog entries, along with trying to find new things in to fill up my site. also planning on adding buttons for specific things!

3.15/16.24 added new sections and switched a few things around. we have an enter page, a page for books and my little blog entries, and then pixels and adoptables. im currently working on a few other things, but mostly a sitemap. it should be uploaded in the next few days, maybe finished in a few weeks.

12.20.23 added some snowflake effects too all pages! also baby-proofed my site (gave everything rounded edges)

11.18.23 added another page, along with a few more little graphics, making a few changes and adding some things.....

10.6/7.23 Added a questionnaire that I filled out to the second page! Also, may make another neocities site that's more art and photography based.. maybeee....

10.4/5.23 Made the stamps and blinkies sections a bit more efficient, added new entries to the second page, added cool sites and webrings I'm apart of to the bottom of each page, also added a rating to the site thanks to Currently trying to figure out how I should display all my other graphics.